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Halcoholic.Club's Fashion and Prize!

Thank you so much for coming to my Halcoholic.Club. This post is where you can have some fun. I designed this entire website to included everything. If there is one thing that is making me proud it is my neon lights logo. For some of the valuable followers of my website, here is a chance to get this nice package of our exclusive Halcoholic T-shirt with the neon lights logo! Don’t get that excited, I know, and I know. The great thing is we have two different kinds of gift packages. One of them is single tee sizes medium, large, or X-large you choose. Another one is lover’s couple edition with both medium and large sizes in a special golden bag. Follow the steps below and get a chance to win these surprise gifts! Don’t be panic if you do not win, we will give all of you who participate in this activity a Halcoholic Keychain!! Yes, you saw it right! Everyone has a gift! When you feel bores or when you want to drink some special cocktails and have some fun with your drinks, don’t forget Halcoholic.Club will always be there for you. Thank you so much.

Steps to get winning this prizes:

You have to answer all these questions below and submit your name, E-mail, and answers on the contact page. Please make sure to write “Halcoholic Fashion” in the subject If you get all of the answers right and you have the enough luck with the random picks, you will get the big prize! We will let you know when you win the prize and ask for your size and your address via the E-mail you provided. Thank you again for coming to Halcoholic.Club. I hope you have a great time.


  1. How many times did I inject the alcohol into the orange for the Power Orange?

  2. How many oz and what liquors did I put in the Salty Jasmine Dog?

  3. What’s the color order of the Rainbow Cube and why?

  4. What are the plastic cups for when we made Drunk Jelly?

  5. How much beer did I put in Spicy Bomb?

  6. Which step did I squeezed the lemon into the Ice Sour Coffee?

  7. How many times did I use a muddler to mash the cup when I was making the Avocado Refresher?

  8. What is the last sentence I said in the video when I made the Dramatica?

  9. What’s the ID number/name of Halcoholic.Club’s Twitter and Instagram?

  10. How many photos of me are on the About Page of Halcoholic.Club?



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